
Showing posts from June, 2010

Ode to the Mother Divine

Intelligence Thou art and essence Of all sciences intuitive; Thou art Called the Surmounter of all difficulties, Hence Durga called. Of the nature of Sound Primal Thou art the threefold Veds The Triune Mother Divine As Wealth, Wisdom & Valour (Lakshmi, Saraswathi, Durga ) And as the Fourth, Transcendence, Thou art All in All, Thou art All ! Verily Thou hast declared "All this am I, nothing exists In the Universe apart from Me" As the microcosmic Kundalini, As the Macroscomic Universe, All this is Thy great Play, O Mighty Mother Divine !

Seek out the great Ones and know the Truth !

Arise, awake, Seek out The Great Ones to know Truth ineffable As dangerous as the Razor's edge So is the path difficult to cross I walk on the Razor's edge alone The path is narrow, the way Unknown Go and seek out the Seers Whose body is full of Bliss Who enjoys divine Immortality Whose body know the warmth Warmth subtle of the Serpent Power As it ascends from the Base Chakra To the highest Crown Chakra !

Thou art Supreme, O Power Divine !

Thou exist as Prosperity in the wise As Mental Chaos in the evil doers As Intelligence in the Seers As Purity in the Saints Thou art supreme, O Power Divine ! By Thy Grace supernal Wealthy men become With lots of largesse and subordinates Thou art the conferror of Wealth ! For those who want Self Actualisation Thou makest them do righteous deeds Heaven they get due to Thy Grace Thou art the Mother of both realms !

The Grand Festival of Lights, Diwali !

Diwali is the great Festival of Lights. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful holidays. Actually Diwali is made up of Five Days. First is the Dhana Trayodashi, the thirteen lunation astrologically, the New Year of Business. The second day is the Naraka Trayodashi, dedicated to the demon Narakasura, who was vanquished by Lord Vishnu. The third day is the day of Lakshmi Puja, the Goddess of Prosperity. All shops are closed during this day. The fourth day is the Bali Worship day, the day when the sacred animals are treated with care and paraded through the streets. The fifth day is Yama, dedicated to brothers and sisters ! May the Goddess of Prosperity bless you during these auspicious days !

Chakras or dynamoes of Spiritual Energy !

Chakras as dynamoes of Cosmic Energy. They exist in the subtle physical body. The Serpentine Power lies coiled in the Root Chakra. She rises due to Meditation,when the body feels the subtle warmth of Meditation Transcendental. These Chakras are ( in ascending order) 1. Root Chakra ( Muladhara ) 2. Anal Chakra ( Manipura ) 3. Solar Plexus Chakra ( Swadhistana ) 4. Heart Chakra ( Anahata ) 5. Throat Chakra ( Vishuddhi ) 6. Eyebrow Chakra ( Ajna ) The Five Great Elements ( Earth, air, water, fire & ether ) & Mind reside in the Six Chakras. Earth-Principle resides in the Root Chakra Water-Principle resides in the Navel Chakra Fire-Principle resides in the Solar Plexus Chakra Air-Principle resides in the Heart Chakra Ether-Principle resides in the Throat Chakra Mind-Principle resides in the Eye Brow Chakra. The Microscomic representative of the Macrocosmic Shakti ( Cosmic Power ), the Kundalini, sportest as the Six principles in the Six Chakras in Her Cosmic Play. She spo

Sacred Geometry, the Architecture of the Universe !

Most of the Vedic Yantras have Hexagrams or the Six Pointed Star in the middle. This is ithe Tripura Sundari Yantra, which is a Master Plan of Manifestation. The Central Dot is the Bindu, the Absolute Self from which the Universe came into existence ! The Ashwaroodha Yantra normally adorns offices. This S G ( Sacred Geometry ) symbol can attract people and destroy enemies, the Seven Deadly Sins in Man. The Sudarshana Yantra is great in destroying enemies. The Star of Lakshmi is an octagram, an eight pointed Star, which can bestow the Eightfold Prosperity. The S G emblems can be seen adorning offices and homes in India. The temples, synagogues, churches and mosques are all built using S G. The Star of David is also a Hexagram. So is the emblem of Auroville. The upward triangle represent Being, Knowledge, Bliss and the downward triangle Life, Mind & Matter !. Pentagrams, hexagrams and octagrams are all used in Sacred Geometry. The Golden Ratio, the Divine Proportion or the Sectio

The Eightfold Verse about the Remover of Obstacles !

We have said earlier about the Obstacles Removing Deity, Ganesh. He combines both Macrocosm and Microcosm. He is the Lord who can remove all impediments and hence all Hindu poetic verses start with a verse in praise of Him ! Mythologically He is the son of Shiva and Parvathi , the Father and Mother of all that is. All occult power He bestoweth All obstacles He removes He is the Celestial Deity I bow to that Mighty One ! He is worshipped on the Fourth Lunation, on Ganesh Chathurthi. . People in North India follow Ganapatya or the worship of this Deity. There are five more Tantric schools, Saura ( worship of Sun), Vaishnava ( worship of Vishnu ), Saiva ( worship of Sive ), Shaktheya ( worship of Shakti ) & Kaumara , ( the worship of Subramanya ). With body huge Shining like gold To The Wisest One My obeisances ! His face like the baby Moon On antelope's black skin He sits Three threads run across His body To Him my obeisances ! The lord of the Cosmos entire He can assume a

Tantra is symbolic and allegorical !

There are many who think Tantra is Sacred Sexuality and permits wealth, wine and women ! Madyam mamsam cha meenam cha Mudra maithunam eva cha Eka pancha makarasya Naranam moksha dayaka These five Wine, meat, fish, yoga mudra and Sexuality Are capable of conferring Eternal Salvation ! In Vino Veritas - there is truth in wine. Alcohol is the stimulator of the Yes Function in man. It makes him one with Truth. In small doses, wine can be beneficial ! Bacchus' blessings are a treasure And drinking is the soldier's pleasure Rich the treasure Sweet the pleasure Sweet is pleasure after pain ! ( John Dryden ) Omar Khayyam also Divorced barren Reason from the bed And took the daughter of the wine to spouse ! Mamsa for meat stands for Mam Sah - I am He ! It is Soham reversed. Madya is not physical wine, but the Wine of Bliss stemming from Self Actualisation. Maidhuna symbolises the physical copulation of Purusha and Prakriti , the male and female components of the Ultimate. Meen

Decanate Cycles and the Rise of Zion !

A Precessional Cycle is 27200 years ( 360 degrees ) and so one Decanate ( 10 degrees ) Cycle is 700 years. A Decanate Cycle is also known as an Astro Sub Cycle. 700 A D saw the Rise of the Islamic Civilization. 1400 AD saw the beginning of the American Empire. Count Louis Hamon remarked that " this important date for the continent of America coincides with the date given for the return of the Israelites into their own land and the commencement of the Twelve Tribes as one nation, fulfilling the prophecy of Jeremiah" 2100 AD will see the Rise of Zion Within this 700 years, the Jews will have moved forward at a rapid pace and made tremendous strides in economic, military & scientific spheres. Israel, even though its size is tiny, is a hidden Superpower. It is the only democracy in the Middle East and it has risen to become one of the world’s technological giants.

India, the Jewel in the Crown !

India has such strategic importance that the Britishers used to call her the Jewel in the Crown. Its trading harbours, immense population, its great resources, its reserve of militaty strength, a powerful army with a fertile soil, an army ready to be hurled at any point of time - all these, reckoned Lord Curzon as he contemplated world dominion, are assets of precious value ! But then India is going through a critical phase, like Pak. India has still 10 months to go, for Elarata Saturn to be over. Elarata Saturn means emotional suffering, strife and struggle. After Saturn's stay in the 2nd house, which indicates sukhartha vihathim or loss of happiness and economic slowdown. Saturn moves over to the benign 3rd. In the 3rd Saturn will redeem all that India has lost !

Gold moves up again !

Gold, as we predicted, has gone upto $982 ! How correct we are in our prediction ! Gold Astrology ? Is it possible ? Why not ? All markets are cyclical . The Recession which the world is facing now is the result of the World Economy extending itself. Prices of Realty skyrocketed in New York, Tokyo and Bombay. The Stock Markets hit the Zenith with Dow rising to 11 K and the Sensex to 21 K !. The World Economic Boom had to be followed by a World Recession, as a boom means that the Economy has extended itself and a Recession becomes due in order to restore it to its original balance ! So Recession was inevitable. The Subprime Crisis was a consequence of the economy extending itself. However, the silver lining is that Gold is the only market which has withstood the onslaught. Gold, which was $682 ( which can be taken of as its Support Level ) had now risen to $974 !. A gain of almost 300 dollars per ounce. Jupiter Cycles Related to Gold Cycles Jupiter rules Gold ( Gurum Kachana

Gold Astrology - a blend of Technical Analysis and Astrology !

Like Stock Market Astrology, Forex Astrology and Astro-Lottology, Astrology can be used in Gold Market. I bought Gold at INR 1210 per gm and sold it for INR 1295, a gain of Rs 85. I sold too early,but then it is practically impossible to get the top and bottom ! From Technical Analysis, the top and bottom of Gold, the Resistance & the Support levels, can be got & this knowledge can be taken advantage of. After all, Knowledge is Power ! The Primary Trend in TA is known as the Impulse Phase The Anti Trend in TA is known as the Corrective Phase. At the moment, the Impulse Phase is bullish as Gold is on an upcurve, having risen to $990.

Astrology invokes the inner Sun !

The inner Sun or the Absolute Self is invoked by all astrologers ! The astrologer's prayer starts like this I bow down to the Absolute Self Who shines in all states triune The giver of boons divine The supreme Poet ! Builder of all sciences ! Asthu Trailokya Deepaya Bhakthabhi Mathadayine Samastha Vidya Nirmana Kavaye Ravaye Namah Moorthithve Parikalpitha Sasabrutho Varma Punarjanmanam Athmeathmavidham Kruthuscha Yajatham Bharthamara Jyothisham Lokanam Pralayodayasthithi Vibhuschanekada Ya Sruthau Vacham Na Sa dathunaikakirana Trailokya Deepo Ravi May the Almighty Self who is all in all of the nature of Time Eternal give me the divine gift of articulate speech !

The Song of the Nine Planets, Nava Graha Stotram !

It is said that the Cosmic Man, the Lord, assumed the form of planets to disseminate Karma, the Law of Cause & Effect to all ! Jeevanam Karma Phalada Graha Roopi Janardhana This Ninefold Astro Song is sung by all astrologers, invoking the Nine Cosmic Energies which pervade all. After chanting these Nine verses, another verse for invoking their immanence in all that is good is also chanted Ye Ye graha shubheshu sthaneshu sthitha Thesham grahanam Subha Phalam Prarthayartham Ye Ye graha shubheshu sthaneshu sthitha Thesham grahanam anukoolyam siddhayartham

A devotional song for Lord Saturn !

It is said in Indian Mythology that the demon King Ravana commanded Saturn to come and stay at the 11th House ( the best House for Saturn ) when his son Indrajith was born. Saturn had to obey this demon King, as the demon King was invested with occult powers. But then, Saturn is there to make man bear the Cross, to purge sins. So he came and stayed at the 11th House but then with his customary guile, put his other leg in the 12th House ( the worst house for Saturn to be in ). The demon King's son was ultimately defeated at the battlefield ! It is a well known principle that no man can reach Heaven without going through Hell. People in Italy used to look at Dante and say " This is the man who had gone through Hell". Only by bearing the Cross of suffering and strife can one reach Heaven. No roses without thorns and no Heaven without Hell ! This well known principle is exemplified by Saturn. Saturn is the planet of Boundless Time, Eternity and though temporary suffering, He

Venus, the fair planet of Love !

" The fair planet that hearteneth to love " said Dante about this lovely planet. One of the four solar terrestrial planets, Venus is astronomically a hell in the heavens, with a tremedous temperature. It is known as the sister of earth, due to its similarity with earth. In Grecian Mythology, She is Aphrodite. In Roman Mythology, She is Venus. In Indian Mythology, he is the preceptor of the demons, Shukra. In Semitic Mythology, She is Ishtar or Astarte. Aphrodite was worshipped on the islands of Cyprus. The early Romans worshipped Venus as the Goddess of Fertility. Known as the Goddess of Chastity in women, and as Venus Generatrix, She was worshipped as the mother of Aeneas. As Venus Felix, the bringer of good fortune and also as Venus Victrix, the bringer of victory. In Indian Mythology, the Sage Bhrigu is Venus, the preceptor of the demons. In the Paradise Lost, Satan says it is better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. There are two paths, the way of Mammon and the fle

Punarvasu Jnattuvela proves destructive !

Widespread losses to the tune of crores and many deaths have been reported in Kerala, as Punarvasu Jnattuvela poured rain in torrents. The fag end of Aridra Jnattuvela also was destructive, but not to this extent. But less rains were reported at the beginning of these two Jnattuvelas. Yesterday trains were stopped on the Tcr-Gvr route. All roads were submerged in a flood like situation. The clouds are now brimming with pessimistic prophecies. 87 deaths have been reported in Kerala. Loss to the tune of 132 crores. 514 houses have been completely destroyed and 11,092 houses have been partially destroyed. Govt has declared that 19 crores will be given as immediate relief to the rain affected victims. Free ration of rice has been given to those affected by the destructive rains. In Mattathoor, water played havoc in a chicken farm. 2000 hens died as a result. I couldnt get out of my apartment yesterday and couldnt go to office. However, I worked at my Home PC. Make mega Stock market profits

The stamp of Jupiter !

My daughter's counselling was on a THURSDAY She was enrolled on a Thursday, Aslesha at Madurai Medical College. Thursday is the day of Thor or Jupiter ( Guruvar ) ! I was born on a THURSDAY, Aslesha. She was enrolled on my 54th birthday ! Science calls these things coincidences. According to occult science, they are synchronicities, indications that all events are arranged by a Wisdom ! Her Jupiter is powerfully posited in Leo ! Taurus rising and Jupiter, the Noble Planet, aspects the House of Profession, tending her to the Noble Professions, Medicine, Law or Philosophy. When Aurobindo's birthdate coincided with India's independence, he remarked " I take this circumstance, not as a fortuitous accident, but as a sanction of the Divine Force " I say the same thing. It is the stamp of Jupiter, the stamp of the Guru and the sanction of the Divine Force ! About Jupiter, Dante wrote The aspect of thy son Hyperion (Sun ) I there endured How Maia ( Mercury ) and Dione (

The Jupiter - Rahu conjunction !

Jupiter Rahu conjunction is called Guru Chandala Yoga and is adverse for stock markets and the economic sector. Jupiter is the financial planet and his debilitation is bad for world economy. Rahu conjoining debilitated Jupiter means that the stock markets will be jittery. Seems to correspond to the Sensex and the Nifty showing signs of weakness ! We reiterate that this is not the time to invest in stock markets ! Jupiter will be moving over to Aquarius on Dec 19th. Till that time world economy will be in the doldrums ! Saturn will be moving over to Virgo on Sept 8th, ending Elarata Saturn for India, whose star is Pushya. India will go into a new phase of expansion and many industries like IT, BT, food processing etc will rise.

Trees of the Zodiac !

Astrologers believe that the 27 constellations which tenant the Zodiac are represented by different trees. Thenmala Tourism has incorporated a great concept. They have started a Nakshatra Vanam ( Star Trees or trees which represent starts ). 27 trees corresponding to the 27 constellations have been planted. Trees have social, medicinal, aesthetic and economic value. Those born in Beta Arietis ( Aswini ) can worship Kanjiram or Nux Vomica. The tree which represent the native's star will give him the much needed prosperity. 1. Aswathy Kanjiram Nux vomica 2. Bharani Nelli Indian Gooseberry 3. Karthika Atthi Cluster Fig 4. Rohini Njaval Jamun 5. Makayiram Karingali Cucth Tree 6. Thirvathira Kumbil Cashmere Tree 7. Punartham Mula Bamboo 8. Pooyam Arayal Sacred Fig 9. Aayilyam Nagapoo Messua Tree 10. Makam Peral Banyan Tree 11. Pooram Chamata Flame of the Forest 12. Uthram Ithi Indian Laurel 13. Atham Ambazham Hog Plum 14. Chithira Koovalam Beal Tree 15.

The stamp of Jupiter again !

Zodiac Computers was started on 09031988, on a Vishakham day. Vishakha is ruled by Jupiter. On Tuesday, the office became mine. I was a tenant for 21 years and on Tuesday I bought it from the owners. Tuesday was coincidentally Vishakha star. By Zodiac Computers, I meant a firm dedicated to the Zodiac or Astrology. Jupiter, now is in my favourable Seventh House. More info about Jove's transit can be had at Transit of Jupiter Jupiter has been the Guiding Hand in my life and this is another proof !

Saturnalian Wisdom

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. Hexagram is its symbol. According to Egyptian Wisdom, Sheriff was a Law Giver and his badge was a six pointed star, which is a symbol of Saturn. US Sherifs in the Wild West still wear a six pointed star. He is sixth from the Sun, Saturday is the sixth day of the week and now NASA is receiving the images of the Saturn Hexagram ( six sided ) atmospheric formation of Saturnine poles. Muslims circumambulate around a Cube Deity which they call the Kaaba. The Kaaba is derived from Kabba Alllah, meaning Cube Divine. Incidentally, Jewish Mysticism is called Kabalah, meaning Kaaba Allah, the Cube the Divine . People gather around this Cube God and walk ceremonially in circles. They are circling the square. Free Masons also do the same. They circle the square and square the Circle. The Masonic G represents Geometry, God and Gnosticism. LIke people ceremonially walking around the Cube Deity, they use a compass/square around their G, the Great Geometer of t

The astrologer is a Redeemer !

Shaw talked about the redemption of the world through Beauty everlasting. We are talking about the redemption of the world through Love everlasting. And where does the astrologer come in ? He is the analyser of heavenly archetypes or horoscopes ! With is intuitive and analytical skill, he analyses the heavenly archetype. Said Aurobindo " The mystery of the lotus cannot be deciphered by analysing the mud below, but by analysing the heavenly archetype of the lotus that blooms forever in the heavens above ". In the horoscope, the Lord has given an escape route to all. Many are tormented by the continuous web of life and the sorrow of the temporal. People turn to Astrology for comfort, to escape from the problems that overwhelm them. By finding out the primary causes that led to the suffering, the astrologer is doing divine service to all. The Grand Law of Causation, the Law of Karma is the base of all that is. The Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Retribution states that every

Saturnalian Wisdom II

Saturn is Black in color. Lawyers and Judges wear the black robe, which represents Saturn. He is the Mokshakaraka or the symboliser of Liberation. He is the planet of Justice, Destiny and Retribution. Hence his color is worn by Judges and Lawyers, who represent the Law. When you come out of school, you come out of the procession in a black robe. When you go to a University, you get a Master's Degree. Ma stand for measurer and Ster for Stars, meaning that you are a "measurer of the stars" or an astrologer. This is mystical, as the Zodiac is 360 degrees. You are a Master, if you have mastered the Stars !

Trichur Pooram, the most colourful Festival !

Yesterday was Trichur Pooram, the greatest of all festivals. A group of 15 elephants faced each other and it was a great sight. Fireworks at 0430 AM today and 05.15 ended the great Trichur Pooram. I saw many foreign tourists in Trichur. Trichur is a tourist spot, because of the Trichur Pooram, the great temple of Vadakkunathan, the great Elephant Sanctuary in Guruvayur, the Palayur Church and the educational institutions in Trichur. Trichur is the cultural and educational capital of Kerala. The Trichur Medical College is spread over 1500 acres ! More than one million witness this great Festival, which occurs on the Pooram day in Mesha, the First Zodiacal Month of the Vedic Calender. Two major temples, Thiruvambadi and Parmakkavu, compete against each other. 15 elephants representing each take part in the festival. Also other elephants from other temples. It is a great sight, with the Trichur Round jampacked. One elephant fell down due to the intense heat. All India is under a heat wave

Jupiter moves over to Pisces today !

Jupiter transits Pisces from May 2 to Nov 1, bring hope to Cancer Moons. Scorpio Moons, Aquarius Moons, Taurus Moons are also benefited. Jupiter's transit is very important, as he is the greatest benefic in the astrological hierarchy. He is also the significator of finance and his transit are considered very important for the fortunes of individuals and nations. For US and India, his transit of Pisces will be somewhat benign, bringing consolation in the global meltdown. More info about this wisdom planet at About Jupiter

The Hindu Lunar Months !

The Vedic Calender was proved right again as it rained for 90 minutes here in Trichur, from 0300 AM onwards. When I woke up at 3, it was raining cats and dogs of all descriptions. Even though Global Warming had triggered Climate Change, we can expect 90% of the rains, as Kerala is blessed by three Monsoons, the North East, the South West and Summer Monsoons, We used to get 100% rains, say 10 years ago. Even though rains are less, the V C says we will get rains and that sporadic rains will continue till November ! The Vedic Calender gives the dates of the solar months from Mesha ( Aries ) to Meena ( Pisces ). It also gives the lunations from the First Lunation ( Prathama ) to the Last Lunation ( Amavasya ). It also gives the dates for the Hindu lunar months. The Vedic Lunar Months are lunar months based on Full Moon. In the first month of Aries ( Mesha ) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Chitra and hence it is called Chaitra In the next month of Taurus (Vrishabha)

Mother of all sciences ?

Solomon saith ' There is no new thing upon the earth. All novelty is but oblivion". Meaning that all new inventions are reflections of thngs heavenly or that the New Science is nothing but Old Science ! Bacon in his essays said " There is an abstruse astrologer that saith; were it not for 2 things that are constant, no human being would live. 1) the fixed stars ever maintain their distance from one another and never come closer to one another nor move furthur asunder 2) the diurnal motion perpetually keepeth time " Modern Geography talks about the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer. From which Old Science do these terms Cancer and Capricorn come from ? Climatology or Meteorology is based on Astronomy. The South West Monsoon was known to Ancient Science as Edava Path i and the North East Monsoon as Thula Varsham . The Ecliptic of Modern Astronomy was Krantee Vrittam , the Zodiac was Bha or Jyothis Chakram , the Celestial Sphere was Khagola , the Celestial E

Old is Gold !

Celestial Gravity was known to the ancient savants. Aryabhata postulated that the Sun is at the focus of the ellipse and that all planets revolve around the Sun due to Celestial Gravity. ( Soorya Jagatah chakshu guruthvakarshan ). Were does the word " Martial " come from. Of course, from Mars ! Where does the word " Venereal" come from. From Venus Veneris, which is Venus ! Where does the word " Jovial " come from ? From Jove or Jupiter ! Where does the word " Saturnine" come from ? From Saturn ! Where does the word " Mercurial" come from ? From Mercury ! Where does the word " Lunacy" come from ? From Luna or Moon. Solar derives from Sol or Sun. The word " Heliocentric" is derived from Helios or Heli ( Sankrit for Sun ). The word " Nodal " is derived from the Nodes, the Nodes of the Moon ( Rahu and Ketu ). The Nodal Cycle is 18 years. Rains which were sporadic during Karthika and Rohini Njattuvel

The Farmer's Song, a revealed Science ( the Krishi Geetha )

The International Astronomical Union had standardised all the constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac and the exact boundaries fixed in 1930. . But none of the Indian names figure in the list of the IAU, despite the fact that India had one of the earliest astronomical cultures. That the ancient Babylonians, the Hindus and the Egyptians had deep and independent knowlege of the Heavens is an undisputed fact. The names of fabled heroes, animals and deities were assigned to the constellations. Those who followed the ” Star of Bethlehem” had come from these pagan cultures. The ascendency of Sirius marked the resuscitation of the Nile, after a long dry spell.Edava Pathi transformed the hot, parched landscape of Kerala into a lush green Paradise, a tropical wet system, as per the German climatologist Koppen ! The Indian system is far more comprehensive. It deals with the Sidereal Zodiac, which begins from 0 degrees of Beta Arietis ( Aswini ) and ends at the 360th degree of Zeta Piscium ( Revath

The Farmer's Song, a revealed Science ( the Krishi Geetha )

The International Astronomical Union had standardised all the constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac and the exact boundaries fixed in 1930. . But none of the Indian names figure in the list of the IAU, despite the fact that India had one of the earliest astronomical cultures. That the ancient Babylonians, the Hindus and the Egyptians had deep and independent knowlege of the Heavens is an undisputed fact. The names of fabled heroes, animals and deities were assigned to the constellations. Those who followed the ” Star of Bethlehem” had come from these pagan cultures. The ascendency of Sirius marked the resuscitation of the Nile, after a long dry spell.Edava Pathi transformed the hot, parched landscape of Kerala into a lush green Paradise, a tropical wet system, as per the German climatologist Koppen ! The Indian system is far more comprehensive. It deals with the Sidereal Zodiac, which begins from 0 degrees of Beta Arietis ( Aswini ) and ends at the 360th degree of Zeta Piscium ( Revath

Thiruvathira Njattuvela begins at 0943 AM today

Thiruvathira Njattuvela , the most famous of all Njattuvelas , begins today. Amongst all solar transits, Thiruvathira is most favoured, as it gives equal proportion of rains and sunny days. The ancients used to preserve the water during this solar transit of 14 days. This water was used to prepare medicinal concoctions. It was believed that it was Ambrosia that rained during Thiruvathira. The India Meteorological Dept says that Monsoon is 28% more than normal in the South and it is less than 8% in the North and East. Only after observation of the Monsoon in the East and North, will they declare it as a good monsoon. The ancients believed that anything sown during this Sun's transit of Alpha Orionis ( Aridra ) will fructify. There is an interesting story about this phase. The King gave pepper seeds to the East India Company. One of his ministers said " If we give them the seeds, they will stop buying from us ". To which the King replied " They can take away pepper se

Airy Saturn in earthly Virgo !

Saturn in Virgo has created a draught like situation, even in water rich Kerala. Green Kerala is beautiful because of the heavy rainfalls and looks gorgeous in June/July, when the Rain gods favour her. It has not rained for the last two days. Rains are expected in the sidereal months of Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo. Here are the rainfall cycles of Kerala Edavam - The sidereal month of Taurus, when rains start to come. After 15 th May. When the Sun enters sidereal Taurus Edava Pathi - The second half of Taurus, after 01 June. Rains are here to stay. Makiryam Jnattuvela - After 7th May. This period is characterised by fierce rains. When the Sun enters the constellation of Mrigasira. Thiruvathira Jnattuvela - After 22 May, when Sun enters the constellation of Aridra. Rains continous. Punartham Jnattuvela - Fierce but intermittent rains. When the Sun enters the constellation of Punarvasu. The Vedic seers gave prime importance to rains. This is indicated by their prayer May there be plent

Jupiter moved to watery Pisces and rains are coming !

It rained for one hour at 0200 AM today. The earth is showing signs of becoming green. Saturn in Virgo has created a drought like situation and Sun in Pisces and Sun in Aquarius have given some heat waves. Many have suffered due to sunstroke. Jupiter moved over to Pisces on May 2 and hence the change in climate. Venus, the watery planet, in his own house in Taurus also is a favourable indication. Now that rains have started to come, we cannot afford to be complacent. Green Kerala is beautiful because of the rains, because the wells, the rivers, the lakes, the water tanks and the paddy fields act as Nature's rainwater harvesting centers. But, of late, increasing urbanisation and destruction of the natural habitat and holy groves created a drought like situation. There was no water in the main river, Bharatpuzha. There is scientific reason is revering Nature and her forests and holy groves. God is basically an Unknown, but His manifestation, the Relative Being, is Nature. The anci

Mars moves over to Leo on 26th and rains will come

Mars, the fiery planet. in the watery sign of Cancer, afflicts the watery sign. He moves over to fiery Leo on 26th May. Rains are expected after this date. Venus, the watery planet in Gemini and Jove in the watery sign of Pisces are both favourable indications. Rains have been there in all parts of Kerala, but they are only short and not fierce. We are seeing regional rains. When it is raining in Guruvayur, there are no rains in Trichur Dist. Now well water has a yellowish hue. Only after the rains will we get clear water. In our village well, after one hour of pumping, the water turned white. After the rains, we get water which is beautifully blue. Nature is wise, Nature is Almighty I follow two philosophers this way It was Nature, Nature - all I heard them say ( Goethe ) Climate Change, triggered by Global Warming, has diminished the rains. The unsustainable attitude of humans is taking a toll on the Environment. Gone are our water reservoirs. Last year the rains were less. Only 5

Rains grace Kerala !

Even though on a small scale, rains have graced Kerala. It started at about midnight yesterday. When I woke up at six, rains had lashed Trichur. Then it rained for one hour more. Black clouds hover all around. The rainy season has begun. The rainy season in Kerala starts from the half of Karthika Jnattuvela ( when the Sun transits the constellation of Karthika ) to Thrikketta Jnattuvela ( when the Sun traverses the constellation of Jyeshta ). Almost seven months. From May 25, Rohini Jnattuvela ( when the Sun transits the constellation of Rohini ) takes over, accelerating rains. Let us hope that the drought like atmosphere and high heat ( 42 degrees in Kerala and 47 degrees in Nagpur ) has ended ! The Center has identified Kashmir, Kerala, Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh as four top spots for Monsoon Tourism. Arabs and others in desert lands find Monsoon Tourism a high experience. It is fun to go in houseboats, with the background of the rains !

Rains to accelerate after Edava Pathi ( South West Monsoon )

After three days of dark clouds, lightning and rainfall, Kerala is back to normal. Rains are expected to accelerate after Edava Pathi , which starts on May 29, when the Sun transits the 15th degree of Sidereal Taurus. Jupiter in watery Pisces, Mars in Leo and Venus in Gemini should bring rains to Kerala. Monsoons have been defined as sea breezes or wind systems. A wind system which reverses direction seasonally, blowing from the southwest for six months and from northeast for six months. Its extreme examples are in South Asia and Africa. Winds which influence climatic seasons, with concomitant rainfalls ! Annual temperature trends over sea and land are the causes of the monsoons. Monsoons normally blow from cold regions towards warmer regions. They blow from the sea towards land during summer and from land towards sea during winter. Of all monsoons, the South West Monsoon is the largest. This Asian monsoon is the atmospheric response to the shift of the overhead Sun, from the Tropi

BioDynamics and Astro Meteorology

Biodynamics is part of Anthroposophy, the system developed by Rudolf Steiner. According to this method of Organic Farming, all farms are individual organisms. BD emphasises balancing the interrelationship of plants, animals, soil etc with its holistic development as a self nourishing system, sans external inputs. BD is practised in 50 countries worldwide today. BD developed as a result of 8 lectures given by the founder of Anthroposophy, R Steiner. Steiner prescribed nine different preparations to aid fertilisation. He believed that these preparations transferred celestial and terrestrial forces into the soil The first two are used for preparing fields and the other seven for making compost. Field preparations included buring cow dung into the soil. Astronomic Planting Calender The farmers of India use the Calender for planting seedlings. For instance, normally the planting of seeds is done on Vishu 8 , when the Sun enters the 8th degree of sidereal Aries. The phases of the Moon and ot

The Indian Astro Calender

As the Sun entered the 15th degree of Taurus, Edava Pathi began in right earnest. When I woke up at 0230 AM, it was raining cats and dogs. The rains must have continued for one hour. It was accompanied by lightning. Let us hope that Global Warming has not triggered Climate Change to that extent and we will be receiving some rains ! Unlike the Gregorian Calender, the Vedic Astro Calender gives the positions of the celestial bodies. For instance, today is Edavam 15th and we know that the Sun is in the 15th degree of Taurus. Today the Calender shows Thrikketta , which means that the Moon is in the constellation of Thrikketta and is in Scorpio. The Calender gives the Jnattuvelas and the Rohini Jnattuvela started on the 25th. So we are in Edava Pathi, in the midst of Rohini Jnattuvela . Rains will be sporadic but will accelerate as Makiryam, Thiruvathira, Punartham and Pooyam Jnattuvelas take over. The Western Calender is based on the Tropical Zodiac ( from the First degree of Aries

The Social Relevance of Vishu, the Planting Season of Kerala

We have said that Vishu 8 or the Sun's entry into the eighth degree of sidereal Aries, is the time for the farmers to sow. Vishu or the solar ingress into Aries, is celebrated all over Kerala. This is the dawn of a new Agricultural Year, as it marks the end of the hot seasons of Kumbha ( Aquarius ) and Meena ( Pisces ). Temperature touching 43 degrees is disconcerting. Vish u is the heralder of the two monsoons, the South West and the North East. The Vedic Calender is astro-meteorological and the farmers know when to sow and when to reap. So the best time to sow is in Medam or Mesha or Aries. Anything planted after this date will fructify, as the Edava Pathi or the South West Moon takes over in June and the Thula Varsham or the North East Monsoon takes over in Oct-Nov. In traditional farming, plants and trees need watering on alternative days. Now both monsoons ensure that plants and trees will be watered by Nature !. Hence the green landscape engineering done by Nature make

The Solar Transit of Lamda Orionis ( Makiryam Njattuvela ) Strikes Malabar Coast

Fierce rains lash Kerala. It is now raining heavily, here in Trichur. Rains started at 1130 AM and are now continuing at 0400 PM. (110610) We had indicated in our columns that rains will accelerate after Makiryam, Thiruvathira, Punartham and Pooyam Njattuvelas . These four Njattuvelas are considered to be fierce, compared to other Njattuvelas. Markiryam Njattuvela started on the 8th of June. Kerala receives almost 2500 mm rainfall from the South West Monsoon and almost 500 mm from the North East Monsoon. Average monthly rainfall in Kerala in mm Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 14 16 36 110 252 653 687 404 252 270 158 45 The Ancient Seers prayed for rains, rains which will liberate us from the blistering heat, rains which will water our plants and trees, rains which will give us the much needed water. May the rulers be just May the world be happy May there be plenty of rains May the earth become fertile May the good be fearless May