Gold moves up again !

Gold, as we predicted, has gone upto $982 !

How correct we are in our prediction !

Gold Astrology ? Is it possible ? Why not ?

All markets are cyclical .

The Recession which the world is facing now is the result of the World
Economy extending itself. Prices of Realty skyrocketed in New York, Tokyo
and Bombay. The Stock Markets hit the Zenith with Dow rising to 11 K and the
Sensex to 21 K !. The World Economic Boom had to be followed by a World
Recession, as a boom means that the Economy has extended itself and a
Recession becomes due in order to restore it to its original balance !

So Recession was inevitable. The Subprime Crisis was a consequence of the
economy extending itself.

However, the silver lining is that Gold is the only market which has
withstood the onslaught.

Gold, which was $682 ( which can be taken of as its Support Level ) had now
risen to $974 !. A gain of almost 300 dollars per ounce.

Jupiter Cycles Related to Gold Cycles

Jupiter rules Gold ( Gurum Kachana Sannibham ). Based on the transits of
Jupiter, Gold's boom and recession can be predicted

Astrologically, Jupiter is now in a state of deep debilitation. From now on
Jupiter will increase its potent strength. In Aquarius he will be powerful.
All this indicates that the Gold Market is cyclical, like all other
markets, and can be taken advantage of !

Let us do the Technical Analysis of Gold and we find that the bottom is
$682, which it was six months back.

From his deep debilitation point, Jupiter will be growing in strength from
now on. Which means Gold is the best market now, when almost all markets are
in recession.

The Gold Cycle can be taken advantage of. $1000 was the Resistance level of
Gold an in few years we will find that Gold will break that barrier.

Rising bottoms in Technical Analysis means that the Impulse Phase of Gold
is Bullish. There can be Corrective Phases. Corrective Phase is the
They are natural in any markets. Gold can be bought at declines.

Gold coins are the best investment now. 31.1 gms ( an ounce ) coin is the
best. 8 gms and 4 gms of coins can be purchased at declines and sold at

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