Tantra is symbolic and allegorical !

There are many who think Tantra is Sacred Sexuality and permits wealth, wine and women !

Madyam mamsam cha meenam cha
Mudra maithunam eva cha
Eka pancha makarasya
Naranam moksha dayaka

These five
Wine, meat, fish, yoga mudra and Sexuality
Are capable of conferring
Eternal Salvation !

In Vino Veritas - there is truth in wine. Alcohol is the stimulator of the Yes Function in man. It makes him one with Truth. In small doses, wine can be beneficial !

Bacchus' blessings are a treasure
And drinking is the soldier's pleasure
Rich the treasure
Sweet the pleasure
Sweet is pleasure after pain ! ( John Dryden )

Omar Khayyam also

Divorced barren Reason from the bed
And took the daughter of the wine to spouse !

Mamsa for meat stands for Mam Sah - I am He ! It is Soham reversed. Madya is not physical wine, but the Wine of Bliss stemming from Self Actualisation. Maidhuna symbolises the physical copulation of Purusha and Prakriti, the male and female components of the Ultimate. Meena is fish and represents the feminine channel, Ida and the masculine channel, the Pingala.

Apart from physical meanings, the above verse on Tantra has deep symbolic meaning !


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