The Song of the Nine Planets, Nava Graha Stotram !

It is said that the Cosmic Man, the Lord, assumed the form of planets to disseminate Karma, the Law of Cause & Effect to all !

Jeevanam Karma Phalada Graha Roopi Janardhana

This Ninefold Astro Song is sung by all astrologers, invoking the Nine Cosmic Energies which pervade all.

After chanting these Nine verses, another verse for invoking their immanence in all that is good is also chanted

Ye Ye graha shubheshu sthaneshu sthitha
Thesham grahanam Subha Phalam Prarthayartham
Ye Ye graha shubheshu sthaneshu sthitha
Thesham grahanam anukoolyam siddhayartham

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