The dreaded Vasundhara Yoga

Of The Three Malefic Yogas afflicting humanity

When Jóve is afflicted,
By Saturn and Mars,
In Conjunction or Opposition,
Dépopulating Vasundhara mànifests.

Yadhaari Sauri Suraraja mantrinam
Sah eka Rasau Sama Saptamepi va
Himadri Lankapuri Madhyavartinam
Tribhagasesham Kuruthe Vasundhara.

The earlier Vasundharas,
Were not so effective.
But this one is Real,
And may carry on her macabre dance.

Let us look at the scenario
Jove is debilitated,
Mars indicates viruses,
And Saturn represents Death

(Mrityur Vyadhischa Dukham
Shanirapi Gadhitam}.

Saturn combining with Mars,
Is evil Agni Marutha.
All hemmed in between malefics,
Is negative Kalasarpa !

As Hope is inherent,
All is not lost.
Remedial measures undertaken,
Can solve problems.

Even though we admire the Rational Mind,
Providential needed in this case.
O Thou aloft, O Knower of health secrets,
Only Thou canst solve this problem !

O Doctor of Doctors Divine,
Destroy toxins in our bodies.
And save us from this virus deadly,
Which can ravage our race entire.

{ This is Dhanvantari Mantra
Dhvam Danvantaraye
Sarvamaya Vinasanaya
Maha Vishnave Namah }

Thou art the Great Revealer,
Of the Science of Medicine.
Thou alone can redeem us,
Where Science seem to have failed !

{ Dhanvantari is that Aspect of the Lord,
When He first revealed,
Medical Knowledge to mankind.
Ama means toxins in body physiologic }

Mantra protects you from Enemy,
The greatest enemy which is Mind.
{ Mananath thrayate iti Mantrah }
For Mind is the villain, as it binds
And liberates, and the Sole Cause.

Why Grace ? We are here due to Grace
And to Perfection, Grace shall lead.
All these are trials of High Jove,
And merely tests of fidelity.

We find that non-veg are more affected
Than vegetarians and vegans. Go Vegan.
Kovid 19 is animal related,
So it is better to shun animals !

So Go Vegan ! Another scientific reason,
We dont have water for animals !
The Global Freshwater Crisis !
So, assessing these factors, Go Vegan !


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