Ramayana Garden in Thailand

This is the photo of the Ramayana Garden in Thailand.

The first poem and the greatest was Ramayana, opined Aurobindo. When the poet Valmiki saw two birds mating and a native killing one of the two said " Ma Nishada ", meaning " Dont do that, for it is Sin, it is Evil, it is against the Law of Conscience"!

Ma nishada pratishtantva nigama shashvathi sama
Yat krouncha midhunath eva avadhim kamamohitam

Ramayana is an allegorical and epic poem. As the Aryan Invasion Theorists argue, it is the not onslaught of the " Aryans" against the " Dravidians". The Aryan Invasion Theory has been proved wrong by scholars like Dr Konrad Elst, Dr Dennis Chandler, Aurobindo and Vivekananda.

Man's dual aspect is highlighted in this poem. The Ego is the imperfect term in Man and Self or the Divine in the perfect term. The Ego is the lower imperfect term of our being; Self is the higher, perfect term.

The Ego is symbolised as Ravana, the ten headed demon king. His ten heads represent Mind, Intelligence, Processing Mind, Ego, Lust, Greed, Anger, Avarice, Jealousy, Gluttony and Sloth.The Self is symbolised by Rama, who goes in search of Peace, Seetha, his beloved consort. The great struggle for supremacy between good and evil, light and darkness, prosperity and adversity, happening in the human bosom, is the Ramayana, where the forces of the Ego clash with the forces of the Self.

Ramayana is part of Buddhist lore and the Ramayana Garden is a testimony to this fact. This strengthens P N Oak's theory that the mother civilization of all was Vedic.


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