Astro Meterology is right!
Astro Meteorology's prediction that Kala Varsha will start on May 29th was proved right, as rains lashed Kerala on that date. Meteorology had predicted that SW Monsoon or Edava Pathi will start on May 31st and ancient Astro Meteorology proved to be more accurate than modern Meteorology. Two major factors will inlfuence the stock markets - the monsoon and the global community prices. Markets had recovered sharply during the latter part of the weekend, showing promise for the bulls. But then the factors mentioned above will influence the bourses considerably. Everbody knows that the Earth's journey through the Ecliptic produces the seasons and the South West Monsoon started on May 29th, when the Sun entered the 15th degree of Taurus. Kala Varsha , as it is known, hit the southern end of Kerala on this day and it is now raining in Kerala. Rains are expected to accelerate when the Sun transits Lambda Orionis ( Mrigasira ) and Alpha Orionis ( Aridra ). Also the constellations of P...