The Redeemer's heavy task !

Yet till evil is slain in its own home
And Light invades the world's inconscient base
And perished is the Adversary Force
He must still labor on, his work half done

wrote the Master.

The inner war within the human bosom was known to the Seers and they depicted in such epics like Iliad and the Odyssey, Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

The Lust within man is the Duryodhana
The Anger within man is the Dussasana

The Five Positive Elements represent the Pancha Pandavas. Truth, Dharma, Peace, Love and the Discriminative Intellect are the Five Positive Elements.

The Discriminative Intellect is that which distinguishes the Real from the Non-Real, Being from Non_Being and is the Arjuna fighting with the background of Eternity, with the Self as the metaphysical ground.

In Man, the negative and positive elements are in conflict and the Seer-Poets wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, just to depict this great battle within the human bosom.

Unless the aspirant removes the mortal dross from his being ( yet till evil is slain in its own home ), unless he erases his ego fully ( and perished is the adversary force ). he will have to labor on, his work half done. Only after the mortal dross is gone, will Light invade Inconscience, making it Light Absolute, Bliss Absolute !


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