Satellites of Major Planets

In Indian Astrology each planet has a satellite of its own.For instance Phobos and Deimos of Mars are called as Dhooma & Mrityu in Indian science. The longitudes of satellites of VenusMoon Mars Rahu & Ketu are calculated based on the sidereal longitude of the Sun.


Mars Dhooma Sun's longitude + 133 deg 20 mins
Rahu Vyatipata 360- Dhooma's longitude
Moon Parivesh 180 + Vyatipata's longitude
Venus Indrachapa 360 - Parivesh's longitude
Ketu Upaketu Indrachapa + 16 deg 40 mins

A different method of calculation is adopted for the satellitesof Sun Jupiter Saturn Mercury & Mars. Days and nights are divi-ded into 8 divisions.

The first division is ruled by the lord of the day & other divi-sions are given to the other lords in sequential order. Duringnight the first lord is the fifth lord from the lord of the day.
In order to measure the longitudes of satellites two differentmethods have been adopted.In the first method the beginning time of the planet who holds absolute sway is taken. In the other method the end time is taken.The Lagna is computed for this timeand this is how the longitude of the satellite is computed.

To compute Gulika's longitude a third method has been adopted.The rising time of Gulika is charted out for each day and thesphuta or longitude computed is labelled as Mandi or Gulika.

Day of Week Day Night
Sunday 26 ghati (Nazhika) 10 ghati (Nazhika)
Monday 22 " 6 "
Tuesday 18 " 2 "
Wednesday 14 " 26 "
Thursday 10 " 22 "
Friday 6 " 18 "
Saturday 2 " 14 "


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