Our dark side, the negative aspect

The hidden foe lodged in the human breast
Man must overcome or miss his higher Fate
This is the inner war without escape.

wrote the Master

Many of us consider our dark side to be forbidden. We refuse to acknowledge its existence. The ancient Vedic Seers called our Negative Aspect as the dark form of Diti. This is ever at crossroads with our Positive Aspect, symbolised by the bright form of Aditi. The sons of Diti in Vedic Mythology became Daityas or Asuras and Aditi's sons became Adithyas.

Have you ever looked at the Moon ? You see the bright side. Even when the Moon is full and brightens up the sky with its luminence, there is a dark side to the Moon.
There is a dark side in us too, the dark form of Diti. We all experience Pride, sloth, jealousy, bitterness, envy, fears of the future, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the Unknown. Dishonesty, anger, intolerance, disgust, hatred ... all these emotions we hide.
Our Positive Aspect which longs for Eternal Life is ever at war with our Dark Aspect ( the hidden foe lodged in the human breast ). Unless we subdue this monster, we cannot expect to get Self Actualisation ( Man must overcome or miss his higher fate ). This inner war is ineluctable !


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