O Mortal, bear the law of pain

O mortal, bear this great world’s law of pain,

In thy hard passage through a suffering world

Lean for thy soul’s support on Heaven’s strength,

Turn towards high Truth, aspire to love and peace.

A little bliss is lent thee from above,

A touch divine upon thy human days:

Make of thy daily way a pilgrimage,

For through small joys and griefs thou mov’st towards God.

Haste not towards Godhead on a dangerous road,

Open not thy doorways to a nameless Power,

Climb not to Godhead by the Titan’s road.

Against the Law he pits his single will,

Across its way he throws his pride of might.

Heavenward he clambers on a stair of storms

Aspiring to live near the deathless Sun.

He strives with a giant strength to wrest by force

From life and Nature the immortals’ right;

He takes by storm the world and fate and heaven.

He comes not to the high world-maker’s seat,

He waits not for the outstretched hand of God

To raise him out of his mortality.

All he would make his own, leave nothing free,

Stretching his small self to cope with the infinite.

Obstructing the gods’ open ways he makes

His own estate of the earth’s air and light;

A monopolist of the world-energy,

He dominates the life of common men.

His pain and others’ pain he makes his means:

On death and suffering he builds his throne.

In the hurry and clangour of his acts of might,

In a riot and excess of fame and shame,

By his magnitudes of hate and violence,

By the quaking of the world beneath his tread

He matches himself against the Eternal’s calm

And feels in himself the greatness of a god:

Power is his image of celestial self…

Cast not thy self into that night of God.

The soul suffering is not eternity’s key,

Or ransom by sorrow heaven’s demand on life.

O mortal, bear, but ask not for the stroke,

Too soon will grief and anguish find thee out.

Too enormous is that venture for thy will;

Only in limits can man's strength be safe;

Yet is infinity thy spirit’s goal;

Its bliss is there behind the world’s face of tears.

A power is in thee that thou knowest not;

Thou art a vessel of the imprisoned spark.

It seeks relief from Time’s envelopment,

And while thou shutst it in, the seal is pain:

Bliss is the Godhead’s crown, eternal, free,

Unburdened by life’s blind mystery of pain:

Pain is the signature of the Ignorance

Attesting the secret god denied by life:

Until life finds him pain can never end.

Calm is self’s victory overcoming fate.

Bear; thou shalt find at last thy road to bliss.

Bliss is the secret stuff of all that lives,

Even pain and grief are garbs of world-delight,

It hides behind thy sorrow and thy cry.

Because thy strength is a part and not God’s whole…

Thou criest out and sayst that there is pain…

Thy spirit’s strength shall make thee one with God,

Thy agony shall change to ecstasy,

Indifference deepen into infinity's calm

And joy laugh nude on the peaks of the Absolute.

O mortal who complainst of death and fate,

Accuse none of the harms thyself hast called;

This troubled world thou hast chosen for thy home,

Thou art thyself the author of thy pain.

Once in the immortal boundlessness of Self,

In a vast of Truth and Consciousness and Light

The soul looked out from its felicity.

It felt the Spirit’s interminable bliss,

It knew itself deathless, timeless, spaceless, one,

It saw the Eternal, lived in the Infinite.

Then, curious of a shadow thrown by Truth,

It strained towards some otherness of self,

It was drawn to an unknown Face peering through night.

It sensed a negative infinity,

A void supernal whose immense excess

Imitating God and everlasting Time

Offered a ground for Nature’s adverse birth…

As one drawn by the grandeur of the Void

The soul attracted leaned to the Abyss:

It longed for the adventure of Ignorance

And the marvel and surprise of the Unknown

And the endless possibility that lurked

In the womb of Chaos and in Nothing’s gulf

Or looked from the unfathomed eyes of Chance.

It tired of its unchanging happiness,

It turned away from immortality…

A world of hard endeavour and difficult toil

And battle on extinction’s perilous verge…

Called it from its too safe eternity.

A huge descent began, a giant fall:

For what the spirit sees, creates a truth

And what the soul imagines is made a world…

Thus came, born from a blind tremendous choice,

This great perplexed and discontented world,

This haunt of Ignorance, this home of Pain:

There are pitched desire’s tents, grief’s headquarters.

A vast disguise conceals the Eternal’s bliss.

Savitri, pp. 451-56

Source : http://www.sciy.org


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