Lord Krishna, the symbol of Universal Love !

At last I find a meaning to my soul's birth
Into this Universe terrible and sweet
I, who have felt the hungry heart of the earth,
Aspiring beyond Heaven to Krishna's feet !

At last the music draws
Life shudders with a strange felicity
All nature is a wide, enamoured pause
Hoping for her lord to touch, to clasp, to be !

wrote the Master.

Nature, the manifest Divinity or Saguna Brahman, hoping for her lord, the Absolute Self as Love Immortal, to touch Her !

The Seer-Poets who composed the Vedas, indulged in mystic symbolism. Karshana iti krishnaha - that which attracts is Krishna. The greatest attraction to them was the Absolute Self and the highest abstraction of Universal Love was symbolised as Krishna. Radha, was the personification of the absolute love for the Divine.

Both Krishna and Radha represent the male and female components of the Ultimate, Purusha and Prakriti


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