Sacred Mathematics !

Astrology, we said in our earlier post, was the science of numbers in space and time. Geometry was number in space and Music the number in time.

The Universe is based on mathematical Law.

Galileo said

“Philosophy is written in this grand book --
I mean the universe --
Which stands continually open to our gaze.
But it cannot be understood
Unless one first learns to comprehend the language
And interpret the characters in which it is written.
It is written in the language of mathematics,
And its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures,
Without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it.”

-- Galileo Galilei, Il Saggiatore (1623)

The Celestial Triangle is the triangle formed by Aswini, Magha and Moola, at 0 degrees, 120 degrees adn 240 degrees ( Trikonas ). Celestial Rectangles are called Kendras and it is represented in Astrology as 0, 90, 180 & 270 degrees. A conjunction is 0 degrees and Opposition 180 degrees.

We are happy to note that Astrology is emerging as one of the most important sciences in the Age of Aquarius. If the Piscean Age represented Faith, the New Aquarian Age represents Gnosis, Knowledge or Philosophia Prima . Knowledge alone can make you free !


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