Basic Verses for Medical Astrology

Ayurveda postulates that Health is the equilibrium of Bile, Phlegm & Wind, known as Vata, Pitta & Kapha. The Nine Revolving Heavens represent the three humours. Here are the basic verses for the significations of the planets.
Also the correspondence between the Seven Tissue Elements and the Seven Planets!
This is a translation of 3 verses in Hora, beginning with " Madhu Pingala drik....."
Sun is of the nature of Pitta, with shape rotund
Luna is also roundish, of Vata & Kapha
And knowledgeable about Medicine too
With aspect cruel, youngish & haired
Mars is of the nature of Pitta humour
With an excellent sense of humour
Mercury partakes of all three humours !
Lazy, slow moving with hairs long
Saturn represents the humour Vata
Fat is ruled by mighty Jove
Semen is ruled by Venus veneris
Bones are represented by Sol
Blood by the fair Luna
Veins by the melancholy planet
Skin is ruled by scholar Mercury
And Bone Marrow is ruled by Mars!


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