The Law of the Mount

Zodiac AstrologyThe Law of the Mount

The Tantric lives on the Mount & fulfills the Law of the Mount. Therefore comes to him Wisdom, Grace and sovereign power, transcending anything his uninitiated fellowmen can yet conceive. His standards are high; aesthetic, moral & ethical. He is there to see that the world does not fall into greater corruption than its present state.

Initiates are the salt of the earth, the light of the world because without their leavening presence, the world would sink into greater corruption than it at present suffers. It is his Wisdom and knowledge which balances the evil and sin of this world.

His light and life is given to balance here

The dark account of mortal Ignorance !

The Initiate is he in whom a higher law hath been revealed. His aim is the Absolute Self, which is the Via, the Veritas and the Vita ( The way, the Truth, the Life ). He has to reduce his Ego and control his desires, lest the negative aspect in him becomes the dominant player. For erasing the Ego, he indulges in selfless service. His desires are controlled by an indomitable Will power.

In the inital stage of Tantra one can feel that some mighty force, not situated in the body but possessing it, is thinking for him and feeling for him and that his entire body is moved by that great force and not by himself. When he progresses in Tantra, he rises in Awareness to the highest Cosmic level and becomes one with the Universal Consciousness. the popular world cannot come upto the Law of the Mount, the Mount of higher ethical and moral values, but then he has to set an example for others to follow. He becomes a personification of the principle " Example is better than precept". All the tantric techniques he has undergone had made him the perfected Initiate, ready to don the garb of the Redeemer. He knows the task that lies before him is immense, but then he is ready to die for it.

Hard is the World Redeemer's heavy task

The whole world becomes his adversary,

Those whom he came to save are his enemies

Those he would thus save are his adversaries.

This world is in love with its own Ignorance

Its darkness moves away from its Saviour Light I

It gives the cross in payment for the crown !

Despite the immense opposition he faces, he is undaunted.

He still keeps to the high and difficult road

That sole leads to the Eternal's peaks !

He knows that the opposition & the enormous difficulties which he faces are merely parts of the process and tests of fidelity. He knows the tantric processes and the great struggle for supremacy between the black & white opposites of good and evil, light and darkness, prosperity and adversity is fought out within ourselves. We are the place where the great battle is fought, where all the worlds meet but then his aim is conquer the negative aspect with the positive aspect; what is known in Tantra as the conquest of the lower self by the Higher Self.

This esoteric wisdom should be preserved for the initiated few. He has been instructed to hide this Science from the unfit, from the profane as this science can only be taught to worthy men because the misuse of it & the powers arising from it is conducive to general and personal evil. Tantra reckons that this wisdom is unfit and dangerous to the ordinary human mind and liable to perversion and loss of virtue if revealed to vulgar & unpurified spirits. Hence the ancients veiled this Wisdom with symbolism and allegory, lest it fall into hands of the immoral. Only the initiated or the pure can comprehend its subtle mysteries. Therefore Tantric philosophy is often veiled in symbolism, myth & allegory.

Behind all manifested phenomena is the Unmanifest Self, which is hidden, hidden and hidden. Worldly intelligence seeks this Sanctuary in vain. All is undecipherable to the unprepared. He can see nothing, read nothing in its interior ! Such a knowledge must perforce be occult, because the mysteries of the Universe are not for the laity. To a mind divinely intoxicated, Tantra becomes the Voice of the Universe which dicates its furthur thought. That Point where Truth, Art & Science meet is only accessible to the Tantric divinely intoxicated mind !

The Sevenfold Mode of Cosmic Existence

Tantra recognises the septenary priciples that pervade the Universe. They are








The ancients had called these seven principles the seven colours of the light of Divine Consciousness, the seven Rays of the Infinite. They constitute the entire fabric of the Universe, Not only are they one in their reality but inseparable in the sevenfold variety of their action. The lower trilogy of Life, Mind and Matter are only instruments of the higher divine quartenary of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss-Supermind. Mind is merely an instrumentation of the Supermind, only a subordinate action-power of the Supermind.

The Higher Trilogy of Being-Knowledge-Bliss is what all heavens and Nature yearn!

The Bliss for which the world's derelict sorrows yearn

The Light of the which the world's Ignorance is the shade !

The aim of Tantra is to transcend the gross physical plane and rise to the realm of Spirit, that of Being-Knowledge-Bliss. Even though external symbols are used, the path is the way of Intuitive experience. Behind the phenomenal world is the transcendental Reality which Intuition alone can see. Tantra becomes the scientia ultima, the ultimate science which can lead man to Self- Actualisation. The Lord descending into earthly existence is all this. All this that is is the Universal Life. Humanity we see is the body of the Lord. It is He in manifestation. The entire Universe is His play. He did not create the world, but had become the world, with Matter as the lowest principle and pure Being as the highest. Tantra recognises this hidden Being-Knowlege-Bliss at the heart of all things and shows the way to spiritual salvation.


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