
Showing posts from June, 2020

Human Life is ephemeral

  Vrischika 28, Dec 14, is Narayaneeyam Deay. All Glory is Thine ! Even though Shaw extolled sex as divine, Which bringeth a celestial flood of emotion And exaltation of existence, She too has her demerits. King Purooravas, noble King, Born in the tribe of Ila, Lunar Dynasty, Fell in love with celestial nymph, Urvashi, And indulged in pleasures sensory. Urvashi told him about women, That they are ruthless and cruel And will not hesitate to assassinate Own husband or brother. One day, Conscience became dominant Conscience chided him " Thou art wasting precious time Over pleasures transitory. Aim of Life is to actualise Self Beware of the loss of Ayus". Lust is the First Deadly Sin Which binds man to world sublunar ! Bhogangal ellam kshana prabha chanchalam Vegena nashtamam ayussumorka nee. Love for sensual  pleasures Bind thee to the mundane ! Hard Sacrifice alone can give key To the Heaven of Self Actualisation Bhogangaliccha Bandhamaku

The Massive Science of Time, Brihat Hora Sastra by Varaha Mihira

Sastra means Science, systematized knowledge of Nature. Not only physical sciences, Sastra includes spiritual sciences as well, as Indian Philosophy deals with both  Matter and Spirit, Purusha & Prakriti. Siddhanta Sastra means the Science of Astronomy & Hora Sastra means the Science of Astrology. P N Oak was right when he said that the English word Hour is a malpronunciation of the Sanskrit word Hora. Hora Sastra means the Science of Hour, Time. When I met the astro scholar, Avanoor Asan, he was              ecstatic when he described the Master, Varaha.  Said the Master was an Avatar, who came to redeem this infinite Ocean of Knowledge which is the  Science of Time, this Hora Sastra , Hora Sastra Maharnava pratharane. Aditya Dasathanayastava apta Bodha Kapishtalo Savithru Labda vara prasada  Avantiko Muni manany avalokya Samyak  Horaam Varaha Mihiram ruchiram chakara Savithru Labda vara prasada refers to Revealations received by the Master in higher states of Consciousness,

Unique Feature of Indian Culture - Scientific & Artistic Knowledge in Poetic Form

Scientific Knowledge in Poetic Form All the Eighteen intuitive sciences & the Eighteen eternal arts are in magnificent poetic form. There are 400 K verses in Mythology, 400 K verses of Siddhanta, Samhita & Hora and millions on other subjects also. The Law of Epistemic Correlation, that all branches of Knowledge are interrelated, find its fulfillment here, as All knowledge is One Knowledge. In Indan Astronomy, while calculating the Sheeghra Anomaly based on the Geometrical Model of Parameswara, the following verse is given by Puliyoor Arka Sphutoniham Kheda Mandasphuta mihoditham Sparsajya Sheegrakendrardha Labhda karnathara hatha Karna Yoga hritha bhooya sparsa chapatmaka kritha Shoditha sheegrakendrardhal syath phalam sheegrasamjnakam To get Sheeghra Anomaly, Angle between planet and Sun Deduct Sun’s Longitude From Ecliptic Degree. Sheeghra Anomaly = Ecliptic longitude of planet - Longitude of the Mean Sun. x, Sheeghra Phalam is the angle formed between the Sun, the planet an

Unique Feature of Indian Culture - Scientific & Artistic Knowledge in Poetic Form

Scientific Knowledge in Poetic Form All the Eighteen intuitive sciences & the Eighteen eternal arts are in magnificent poetic form. There are 400 K verses in Mythology, 400 K verses of Siddhanta, Samhita & Hora and millions on other subjects also. The Law of Epistemic Correlation, that all branches of Knowledge are interrelated, find its fulfillment here, as All knowledge is One Knowledge. In Indan Astronomy, while calculating the Sheeghra Anomaly based on the Geometrical Model of Parameswara, the following verse is given by Puliyoor Arka Sphutoniham Kheda Mandasphuta mihoditham Sparsajya Sheegrakendrardha Labhda karnathara hatha Karna Yoga hritha bhooya sparsa chapatmaka kritha Shoditha sheegrakendrardhal syath phalam sheegrasamjnakam To get Sheeghra Anomaly, Angle between planet and Sun Deduct Sun’s Longitude From Ecliptic Degree. Sheeghra Anomaly = Ecliptic longitude of planet - Longitude of the Mean Sun. x, Sheeghra Phalam is the angle formed between the Sun, the planet an

Chaandra Siddhanta II

Chandra Siddhanta II, Theory of Luna In the Orient, Lalla contributed heavily to the Lunar Theory, as did Newton, Ptolemy & Brahe in the Occident ! Both are  great Civilizations and none plagiarized from the other ! John Playfair, mathematician, Extolled the Eternians, For their possession of a Calculus Equivalent to Trignometry. (  Did not Einstein say Indians taught us Maths ? Or the great Laplace, that System Decimal Is Indian in origin ? ) The multi step algorithms Of mighty Hindu Astronomy Is known as Graha Sphuta Ganita, Base of all Panchang computations. We have not defined Vipata Kendra, The  Vipata Anomaly, Vi means without Patha means Node. Vipata Anomaly means Angle Between Position and Node. This is the Second Correction, Position reduced to Ecliptic. Manda Anomaly means Angle Between Position and  Aphelion Sheeghra Anomaly means Angle Between Position and  Sun By Position we mean The Position of the Planet. Aphelion is a Point, 180 degrees away from Perihelion. Of the

Chandra Siddhanta, Lunar Theory

Chandra  Sphuta Siddhanta The Moon, in his journey of the Zodiac, through the 27 constellations, creates the 27 Nakshatras,  which have been defined as the Lunar Mansions of Hindu Astronomy, each one of them occupying 13 degrees 20 minutes of the Zodiac.  Chandra Siddhanta, Lunar Theory This is the Equation given for the Moon’s largest perturbation. The Moon seems to be carried away by the immense gravitational pull of the Sun, causing its Ecliptic longitude to vary as much as  1.3 degrees. This has been referred to as the third major angle, Kendra,  between Sthithi & Mandoccha in Ganitha Nirnaya and as the second Anomaly in Greek Astronomy, anomaly being the angle between position and perihelion. Third Kendra  Sin ( 2*T - Mc ) * 4467  Where Mc = Chandra Madhyamam, Mean longitude of Chandra, T = Thidhi = Longitude of Chandra – Longitude of Soorya Working on Chandra  Siddhanta, Major Theory of the Moon, Fourteen Kendras, angles were plotted By ace astronomers. Sm

Upanishadic Equations

There is no joy in the Finite. Na Alpe Sukham Asthi. Infinity = Bliss Anandam Brahma. This may seem to the worldly wise A too ultra-worldly statement ! But this is true indeed And endorsed by the wise ! Embrace Infinity to enjoy Immensity of the Cosmic Liberty of the Transcendent And Joy of the Immanent. Finite indicates wordly Life, Which is full of sorrow, Sarvam Dukham, Sarvam Shoonyam Sarvam Kshanikam, Sarvam Vyartham ! There is no happiness in Indra’s Heaven ! Even Emperors search for mental peace ! Na cha Indranam sukham kinchil Na sukham Chakravartina ! Mental Peace can only be attained If you live like a Yogi. Sukham Asthi Viraktheshu Muner Ekanta Jeevita. Enlightenment = Perpetual Bliss Sukha Neervana Roopatha ! Sensory Pleasures = Bondage Hard Sacrifice = High Heaven Of Relative Knowledge & Absolute Knowledge, Apara Vidya & Para Vidya The Knowers of Brahman Speak of Knowledge as Twofold Relative Knowledge & Absolut