
Showing posts from August, 2010

Tourist and potential realty centers in Kerala

The Munambam Estuary, a Tourism Spot The Munambam beach is a beautiful place to behold. On the west we have the Arabian Sea, a mouth of the sea on the north and the “Life Line of Kerala”, the Periyar River on the east. This estuary is the place where the Periyar River, 244 km long, flows into the sea. Munambam Beach is also known as Muziris Golden Beach. It is the farthest end of the famous Cherai beach. On the north west side, you can see the Munakkal beach. On the north we have Azheekode in Trichur Dist. The Munambam Azheekode point is the point where Trichur and Ernakulam Districts meet. You can cross the mouth of the sea on the north by Junkar or boat. Just five minutes from Munambam ( Kochi ) to Azheekod ( Trichur ) ! You can sit and enjoy the views, watching the local fishermen fish in their canoes and colourful boats. Photographers find Munambam enchanting, as the glorious sunset is indeed inspiring ! The realty potential of Kochi & Trivandrum Amongst the 50 cities identifie

Astro-Meteorology I

Yesterday, rains hit the southern districts of Kerala. But no rain in Trichur or adjoining areas. The truth of Global Warming has hit me. Also Climate Change. Also the World Water Crisis ! Rains are rare, even in Kerala, a state fashioned by the rains, where the landscape architecture is done by Nature Herself ! Venus, the watery planet, moves over to Gemini, to the 12th in India’s horoscope. It augurs rains, but how much ? The hot sidereal months of Kumbham( Aquarius ) and Meenam ( Pisces ) are normal in Kerala. Now we are facing Meda choodu ( the heat waves of Aries ) and there will some reduction of heat when Edavam ( Taurus ) takes over, from 15th May. Astrologically, Edava Pathi, the last 15 days of the Sun traversing Taurus, is full of rains. Last years, rains were less even in Edava Pathi. Kerala, normally, is blessed by two rainy seasons, Edava Pathi ( the last half of Taurus ) and Thula Varsham ( when the Sun traverses the 30 degrees of Libra ). Kerala receives rains thrice t

The Global Freshwater Crisis

The vata (airy) planet Saturn in Virgo has precipitated a Water Crisis. Let us see what are the solutions. ( Yesterday Mumbai reported a severe water crisis, like Hyderabad. More bad news are coming in ). Water is only a finite resource, even though it is universally assumed that global supply is infinite. Only 2.5 % of the global supply is freshwater. The rest is seawater, inacessible in ground water, ice caps and soi. This supply is limited. Rainfall is only renewable source of freshwater and per year the global supply is just 50,000 cubic km. Per year global population is increasing by 85 million. Hence the availability of freshwater per head is fast decreasing. The whole planet is overpopulated, with more than 6.5 billion people. That limited source of freshwater is polluted, diverted and depleted by foolish humans. ( " Lord, what fools these mortals be", said Shakespeare ). More than one billon people lack access to safe, drinking water. UN says 31 countries face water s

Rainy Solar Transit of Lamda Orionis ( Makiryam Njattuvela ) strikes Kerala

Fierce rains lash Kerala. It is now raining heavily, here in Trichur. Rains started at 1130 AM and are now continuing at 0400 PM. (110610) We had indicated in our columns that rains will accelerate after Makiryam, Thiruvathira, Punartham and Pooyam Njattuvelas . These four Njattuvelas are considered to be fierce, compared to other Njattuvelas. Markiryam Njattuvela started on the 8th of June. Kerala receives almost 2500 mm rainfall from the South West Monsoon and almost 500 mm from the North East Monsoon. Average monthly rainfall in Kerala in mm Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 14 16 36 110 252 653 687 404 252 270 158 45 The Ancient Seers prayed for rains, rains which will liberate us from the blistering heat, rains which will water our plants and trees, rains which will give us the much needed water. May the rulers be just May the world be happy May there be plenty of rains May the earth become fertile May the good be fearless May people become angerless ! Swasthi prajab

Astrology, the mother of all sciences?

Solomon saith ‘ There is no new thing upon the earth. All novelty is but oblivion”. Meaning that all new inventions are reflections of thngs heavenly or that the New Science is nothing but Old Science ! Bacon in his essays said ” There is an abstruse astrologer that saith; were it not for two things that are constant, no human being would live. 1) the fixed stars ever maintain their distance from one another and never come closer to one another nor move furthur asunder 2) the diurnal motion perpetually keepeth time ” Modern Geography talks about the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer. From which Old Science do these terms Cancer and Capricorn come from ? Climatology or Meteorology is based on Astronomy. The South West Monsoon was known to Ancient Science as Edava Pathi and the North East Monsoon as Thula Varsham. The Ecliptic of Modern Astronomy was Krantee Vrittam, the Zodiac was Bha or Jyothis Chakram, the Celestial Sphere was Khagola, the Celestial Equator was Vishu Vat Vr

Astro Meterology II

After three days of dark clouds, lightning and rainfall, Kerala is back to normal. Rains are expected to accelerate after Edava Pathi, which starts on May 29, when the Sun transits the 15th degree of Sidereal Taurus. Jupiter in watery Pisces, Mars in Leo and Venus in Gemini should bring rains to Kerala. Monsoons have been defined as sea breezes or wind systems. A wind system which reverses direction seasonally, blowing from the southwest for six months and from northeast for six months. Its extreme examples are in South Asia and Africa. Winds which influence climatic seasons, with concomitant rainfalls ! Annual temperature trends over sea and land are the causes of the monsoons. Monsoons normally blow from cold regions towards warmer regions. They blow from the sea towards land during summer and from land towards sea during winter. Of all monsoons, the South West Monsoon is the largest. This Asian monsoon is the atmospheric response to the shift of the overhead Sun, from the Tropic of

Rejuvenative Therapy in the Monsoon Season

Monsoons may be the primary cause of Monsoon Tourism in Kerala. During the monsoon seasons, particularly during the months of Mithuna ( Gemini ) and Kataka ( Cancer ), the body becomes weak and this is an excellent time to take in Ayurvedic medicines. I am taking in Chyavana Prasam, a rejuvenative and restorative. It is an Anti Aging Medicine, enriched with the essence of gooseberries, the great source of Vitamin C. Aphrodisiacs like Mucuna Pruriens ( Naikarana parippu ) and Withania Somnifera ( Aswagandha, the Indian ginseng ), can be taken in. This process is called Vajeekarana in Ayurveda. It makes men regain their lost Sapta Dhatus or the Seven Tissue Elements and makes men as fit as horses ! In his book ” Quantum Healing”, Dr Chopra says ” During the coming years, Ayurveda will blossom”. During Monsoons, the digestive power weakens and vata is aggravated. Moderation in diet is what the doctor orders. Bitter, pungeant and astringent food should be taken in, along with rice and whea

Astro Meteorology and Economics

What has the nation’s GDP growth got to do with the monsoon ? Everything ! The India Meterological Dept is considering declaring the monsoon to be a ” good monsoon “, in sharp contrast with the 2009 monsoon, which was more or less a failure. A good monsoon means rising water levels in the reservoirs and dams. More power. It will raise farm output, control inflation ( particularly food inflation, which was 17.6% ) and spur economic growth. 60% of arable land is rain-fed. Hence monsoon showers are critical to soya bean, edible oil, sugarcane, rice etc. In India, the Monsoon is the real Finance Minister ! Because of the bad monsoon of 2009, Indian agri growth rose only .2%. On the other hand, this year’s monsoon will trigger 2.5 % agri growth and 8.5 % GDP growth. If India has sufficient infrastructure, the GDP growth will be more than 10%. A 4% agri growth forecast, many feel, will be too ambitious. Also a double digit GDP forecast ! Astro Meteorology is right again. The South West Monso

The Farmer's Song, a revealed science ( Krishi Geetha )

The International Astronomical Union had standardised all the constellations of the Sidereal Zodia and the exact boundaries fixed in 1930. . But none of the Indian names figure in the list of the IAU, despite the fact that India had one of the earliest astronomical cultures. That the ancient Babylonians, the Hindus and the Egyptians had deep and independent knowlege of the Heavens is an undisputed fact. The names of fabled heroes, animals and deities were assigned to the constellations. Those who followed the " Star of Bethlehem" had come from these pagan cultures. The ascendency of Sirius marked the resuscitation of the Nile, after a long dry spell. Edava Pathi transformed the hot, parched landscape of Kerala into a lush green Paradise, a tropical wet system, as per the German climatologist Koppen ! The Indian system is far more comprehensive. It deals with the Sidereal Zodiac, which begins from 0 degrees of Beta Arietis ( Aswini ) and ends at the 360th degree of Zeta Pisci

Vishu, the Planting Season of Kerala

We have said that Vishu 8 or the Sun’s entry into the eighth degree of sidereal Aries, is the time for the farmers to sow. Vishu or the solar ingress into Aries, is celebrated all over Kerala. This is the dawn of a good era, as it marks the end of the hot seasons of Kumbha ( Aquarius ) and Meena ( Pisces ). Temperature touching 43 degrees is disconcerting. Vishu is the heralder of the two monsoons, the South West and the North East. The Vedic Calender is astro-meteorological and the farmers know when to sow and when to reap. So the best time to sow is in Medam or Mesha or Aries. Anything planted after this date will fructify, as the Edava Pathi or the South West Moon takes over in June and the Thula Varsham or the North East Monsoon takes over in Oct-Nov. In traditional farming, plants and trees need watering on alternative days. Now both monsoons ensure that plants and trees will be watered by Nature !. Hence the green landscape engineering done by Nature makes Kerala beauteous ! When

The Farmer's Song, a revealed science ( Krishi Geetha )

The International Astronomical Union had standardised all the constellations of the Sidereal Zodia and the exact boundaries fixed in 1930. . But none of the Indian names figure in the list of the IAU, despite the fact that India had one of the earliest astronomical cultures. That the ancient Babylonians, the Hindus and the Egyptians had deep and independent knowlege of the Heavens is an undisputed fact. The names of fabled heroes, animals and deities were assigned to the constellations. Those who followed the " Star of Bethlehem" had come from these pagan cultures. The ascendency of Sirius marked the resuscitation of the Nile, after a long dry spell. Edava Pathi transformed the hot, parched landscape of Kerala into a lush green Paradise, a tropical wet system, as per the German climatologist Koppen ! The Indian system is far more comprehensive. It deals with the Sidereal Zodiac, which begins from 0 degrees of Beta Arietis ( Aswini ) and ends at the 360th degree of Zeta Pisci

Rainfall Cycles

Saturn in Virgo has created a draught like situation, even in water rich Kerala. Green Kerala is beautiful because of the heavy rainfalls and looks gorgeous in June/July, when the Rain gods favour her. It has not rained for the last two days. Rains are expected in the sidereal months of Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo. Here are the rainfall cycles of Kerala Edavam - The sidereal month of Taurus, when rains start to come. After 15 th May. When the Sun enters sidereal Taurus Edava Pathi - The second half of Taurus, after 01 June. Rains are here to stay. Makiryam Jnattuvela - After 7th May. This period is characterised by fierce rains. When the Sun enters the constellation of Mrigasira. Thiruvathira Jnattuvela - After 22 May, when Sun enters the constellation of Aridra. Rains continous. Punartham Jnattuvela - Fierce but intermittent rains. When the Sun enters the constellation of Punarvasu. The Vedic seers gave prime importance to rains. This is indicated by their prayer May there be plent

The Global Green Initiative

The Earth Charter is an international declaration of fundamental values for building a sustainable society. Humanity is called upon to create a global partnership to protect the Environment, human rights, human development and sustainable living. The Ark of the Gaia Covenant means protecting Gaia, the Earth, the Mother who gave birth to mankind. Isnt Nature the first teacher of Man ? Didnt Man first experience the Divine in the stillness of the woods ? In Natural Philosophy, Sankhya, Universal Nature and Universal Time are the two main principles which are responsible for the world. Time is the Creator, Time is the Preserver, Time is the Destroyer and Universal Nature is His beloved consort ! (Sarvam Kalena srijyanthe, Sarvam Kalena Palayanthe, Sarvam Kalena Samhriyante ). Time is the all consuming Power Of mighty Absolute ! The foolish Ego thinks it is the doer But is afraid of Time ! Prabhavam Paurusham Prahuh Kala meke yatho bhayam Ahankara vimoodatma Karthaham iti manyate It is tim

The Global Green Initiative

The Earth Charter is an international declaration of fundamental values for building a sustainable society. Humanity is called upon to create a global partnership to protect the Environment, human rights, human development and sustainable living. The Ark of the Gaia Covenant means protecting Gaia, the Earth, the Mother who gave birth to mankind. Isnt Nature the first teacher of Man ? Didnt Man first experience the Divine in the stillness of the woods ? In Natural Philosophy, Sankhya, Universal Nature and Universal Time are the two main principles which are responsible for the world. Time is the Creator, Time is the Preserver, Time is the Destroyer and Universal Nature is His beloved consort ! (Sarvam Kalena srijyanthe, Sarvam Kalena Palayanthe, Sarvam Kalena Samhriyante ). Time is the all consuming Power Of mighty Absolute ! The foolish Ego thinks it is the doer But is afraid of Time ! Prabhavam Paurusham Prahuh Kala meke yatho bhayam Ahankara vimoodatma Karthaham iti manyate It is tim

The Vedic Astro Calender

As the Sun entered the 15th degree of Taurus, Edava Pathi began in right earnest. When I woke up at 0230 AM ( 29/05/2010), it was raining cats and dogs. The rains must have continued for one hour. It was accompanied by lightning. Let us hope that Global Warming has not triggered Climate Change to that extent and we will be receiving some rains ! Unlike the Gregorian Calender, the Vedic Astro Calender gives the positions of the celestial bodies. For instance, today is Edavam 15th and we know that the Sun is in the 15th degree of Taurus. Today the Calender shows Thrikketta, which means that the Moon is in the constellation of Thrikketta and is in Scorpio. The Calender gives the Jnattuvelas and the Rohini Jnattuvela started on the 25th. So we are in Edava Pathi, in the midst of Rohini Jnattuvela. Rains will be sporadic but will accelerate as Makiryam, Thiruvathira, Punartham and Pooyam Jnattuvelas take over. The Western Calender is based on the Tropical Zodiac ( from the First degree of

Indian Astronomy IV

Ahargana is defined as the no of days elapsed after the start of the Iron Age, the Kali Yuga, which began on 3102 BC. Kali Era = English Era +3102 The no of days elapsed from Kali Start was 1822903 on 01/01/1890. Hence Ahargana, d = ( xdate - 01/01/1980 ) + 1822903 where xdate is the date of birth. This Ahargana is printed on every V A Horoscope. All calculations in Indian Astronomy are based on Ahargana. Ahas means day in Sanskrit and gana means calculation. The present Kali Era is therefore 3102 + 2010 = 5112 The difference between the Malayalam & English eras are 825. Malayalam Era is 1185 now and if you add 825 to Malayalam Era, you get English Era. Malayalam Era + 825 = English Era The Julian Calender used the value 365.25 d ( days ) for year and was proved erroneous. There were 10 days difference and the Gregorian Calender, the present day Calender, came into being. Gregorian uses 365.2425 d for year. The Gregorian is also not perfect, as the Tropical Zodiac is mo

Rains galore as Sun transits Alpha Orionis !

Kerala Astrology has a unique method of predicting weather cycles using the apparent solar transits or the real Earth's transits of the Sidereal Zodiac. This time Kerala has got plenty of rains and we can hopefully expect a 4.5% agri growth. The ancient astronomers of India used to say that rains will be in plenty during the apparent solar transit of Alpha Orionis. ( Thiruvathira Thiru Thakriti ). There are seven major Njattuvelas, in which good rains are expected. They are Karthika Rohini Makriyam Thiruvathira Punartham Pooyam Ayilyam Rains will be galore during these transits of the Earth through the constellations of Eta Tauri to Alpha Cancri. These transits occur from the 15th of May to the 15th of August. There are many sayings in Malayalam which deal with these rain procuring Njattuvelas. Rains will be incessant during Thiruvathira ( Thiri muriyathe peythu nirayunna Thiruvathira ) You can spit even before Deity during Thiruvathira ( Thiruvathirakku thiru muttathu thuppam ) Th

India pull off spectacular win !

Set to score 258 by a strong Lankan side, India was in the doldrums at 57/3 and 62/4 ! Then the Indian batsmen went in for a strong rear guard action and emerged victorious. Full marks to Laxman ( 103 no), Sachin ( 54) and Raina *( 41 no ). This is one of the greatest wins ever. When it was 57/3, we all thought that India was facing the music. To play Mendis and Ranadiv on the last days of the Test is disconcerting to many. But not for Laxam, Sachin and Raina. Raina proved that he is world class material again today with a majestic 41 no. When Sachin fell at a 171, India had won half the battle. Laxman was all wristy excellence and he scored one of the greatest character innings centuries to bring victory for India. The series is drawn at 1-1. The Indian team had a point to prove to its detractors. Indian batting line up was earlier defined as one of the best and now that reputation had taken a lot of battering. Today's performance confounded those who dismissed it as a depleted li

Sehwag and Sachin rescue India

India were 180/2, with Sachin on 40 and Sehwag on 97, in reply to Sri Lank's 425. Ojha took 4wickets and Ishant 3 and SL were all out for 425. India can still retain the No 1 position. Sehwag was dropped at 52 by Angelo Mathews and this lapse may prove costly. Sachin survived a scare when he edged Ranadiv just past slip.In Fortress Lanka, Lanka scoring 425 is a bit low by SL standards. India can still pull the match out of the Lankan hands ! Let us watch and see tomorrow. 3 runs more and Sehwag will complete yet another century and where is Sachin headed to ? When the SL bowlers found swing and was threatening the Indian batsmen, Sehwag cut loose with three consecutive fours of Welegedara, the man who had dismissed him in the Galle Test twice. The SL bowlers tried to trap Sehwag with short pitched deliveries but the Indian opener was too smart for that. He slammed Welegedara over midwicket and square leg and runs flowed off his bat. Mathews also had tried to trap Sehwag but couldn